Water, how we appreciate it at the moment. When we turn the tap and it actually flows, it seems like a miracle! For the time being, we are tapping in to our neighbour's bore hole, some three hundred metres away, and pumped up with a pump in another neighbours house, with a generator owned by someone else, and stored in an enormous tank. Sounds complicated? It is. The over ground, unlagged pipes currently in place are woefully inadequate for use in sub zero temperatures, hence our sporadic supply in the cold snap. In time, we will bury the pipes, in the longer term, we will connect up to our own bore hole (located on yet another person's land) and fill our own tank when we have the time and funding in place. Phew!
For the moment our water system is archaic, as the drainage from our cabin is also not complete. So every drop of water used or consumed inside must be manually carried out by the bucketful...washing up water, laundry water, bath water, ...and when the pipes freeze, carried in too! It certainly makes us careful with our water use. Our ancestors must have been a hardy, strong bunch, constantly on the move, carrying shifting, tipping, scrubbing, fetching. My arms are feeling capable, my poor back is not!
Make a hot water bottle and go to bed!
My back aches, but at least I feel responsible for dealing with our water waste and can see the consequences of where it goes and how it can be reused in future. It feels good.
Thanks for clarifying the water situation. What helpful and understanding neighbours you have! We are very lucky to have water on the land that we can pump up from the pond but it is not pleasant - full of tannins, iron, and who knows what. It smells bad, worse in winter when the ice is on the pond, and stains everything, including skin. Definitely not safe to drink. Would love a well (I am assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that that is what you mean by bore hole) but they have become, like most things of that sort, far, far too expensive for mere mortals, or those who do not want to borrow from the bank.